Channel: As Many Exceptions As Rules
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Many Paths To The Top Of The Mountain

Biology concepts – hydrogenosome, FeS cluster protein, loricifera, erythrocyte

More than one way to skin a cat seems to
be a newer version of the old British saying,
“there are more ways to kill a cat than by
choking it with cream.” Mark Twain was one
of the first to use the cat skinning version, in his
classic A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s
The oldChinese proverb says, “There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.” Put somewhat less delicately, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Who wants to skin a cat? I think there is something to be said for the wisdom gained in 4000 years of culture, to say nothing of the ability to say it better.

In biology, this is particularly relevant; organisms have found different ways to do the same things, and different ways to do different things, but the end goal is always the same – live long enough to reproduce and the more offspring the better.

Last week we talked about how some organisms have degraded their mitochondria into mitosomes, and how they get along fine just using glycolysis and fermentation for energy (and maybe some arginine dihydrolase action). But there is another mitochondrial remnant in some other species of anaerobic eukaryotes called the hydrogenosome, and it works more like a mitochondrion than does the mitosome.

Here is the T. vaginalis protist. The blue probe
binds to DNA (just one nucleus for this guy) and
the yellow probe binds to a hydrogenosome
protein. The strands at the top are the flagella it
uses to move, not its hair.

Trichonomas vaginalisis a eukaryotic amitochondriate, and therefore is an anaerobic (without oxygen) protozoan. Unlike many protozoans, T. vaginalis does not have an environmentally resistant form (something that can live outside the host for a prolonged time – often called a cyst). It is transmitted directly from host to host, in this case sexually. Trichomoniasis is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease, but 70% of cases have no symptoms (asymptomatic). This is unfortunate because T. vaginalis infection can predispose to HIV infection and even cervical cancer. Having symptoms initially might prevent some of the later tragedies.

Unlike the mitosome containing protists, T. vaginalis does use its mitochondrial remnant (hydrogenosome) to make ATP. The hydrogenosome was discovered much earlier than the mitosome, although they have the same origin and general morphology. Because of this difference in timing, amitochondrial organisms with hydrogenosomes are called type II amitochondriates. Type I’s were the organisms that presumably didn’t have any mitochondrial-like organelle (and were seen first), like the Giardia and E. histolytica that we now know have mitosomes.

Pyruvate generated by glycolysis enters the hydrogenosomes just like it does in mitochondria. The Krebs cycle would be next for aerobic organisms, but in the hydrogenosome, iron-containing enzymes convert the pyruvate into an intermediate that has CoA (coenzyme A) bound to it. When this CoA is removed, energy is released, and this energy is used to convert ADP to ATP.

Because ATP production occurs at the level of substrate (a molecule being chemically changed, in this case by an enzyme), it is called substrate level phosphorylation. This is in contrast to the use of oxygen and the electron transport chain of proteins to produce ATP through the proton gradient (oxidative phosphorylation). One of the byproducts of the pathway is hydrogen, hence the name of the organelle.

In terms of energy production, the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxido-reductase (the iron/sulfate-containing enzyme in hydrogenosomes, often abbreviated as FeS cluster enzymes) pathway is about as efficient as the arginine dihydrolase pathway(ADH) in some mitosome-containing organisms. However, T. vaginalis also contains the ADH pathway, so it comes out ahead of Giardia in terms of energy production.

While the hydrogenosome has some activity in energy production via the FeS-protein mediated metabolism of pyruvate with production of ATP, the mitosome seems to be limited to the assembly of the FeS clusters only. A study of the proteins of the mitosome show the parts are there to make the FeS clusters, but that there are not the enzymes needed to break down pyruvate and produce ATP.

A study trying to quantify the amount of methane
gas produced by cows was carried out recently
in Argentina. The method involved a big backpack
and a delicately placed rubber hose. At some point,
scientist A approached scientist B and said, I’ve
got a great idea….”
Other hydrogenosome-containing organisms include the anaerobic unicellular fungus, Neocallimastix frontalis (it lives in the guts of rumen animals like cows). N. frontalis byproducts are used by gut methanogens (methane-producing bacteria) and therefore contributes to the generous amount of gas produced by cows. Many estimates name dairy and beef cattle flatulence as a bigger source of greenhouse gases than automobiles!

Another hydrogenosome-containing protozoan is Nyctotherus ovalis. It lives in the GI tract of cockroaches, and efficiently works with an archaeal bacterium that uses the hydrogen that the hydrogenosomes release. Just one more reason that cockroaches will outlast us all. The fact that some fungi and some protozoans have hydrogenosomes indicates that this organelle has evolved independently from mitochondria at least three different times in history – they must be a good idea.

Even with the exception of anaerobic protists and fungi, it was believed until just recently that at least all multicellular eukaryotic (metazoan) organisms depended aerobic respiration for energy production. However, there are even metazoan exceptions. A 2010 study of the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea found three different animals that survive without using oxygen and therefore don’t have mitochondria.

The deepest basin of the Med, near Greece, is nearly anoxic (an environment without oxygen).  In the muds of this basin were found three loriciferan(lorici = corsette and fera = bearing, so organisms with a sort of girdle) species that live in this area all the time. Other animals can survive in an anoxic environment for a while, but they don’t call it home.

Loriciferans weren’t even discovered until 1983.
Now we have some that live as anaerobes. Most
species of this phylum live in the deep waters,
but only a few are obligate anaerobes, meaning
they can only perform anaerobic respiration.
Oxygen can be damaging, it likes to scavenge
electrons, I wonder if it is toxic to the loriciferans.
These new loriciferans have hydrogenosomes instead of mitochondria, and produce ATP in the same ways as T. vaginalisand the other anaerobic eukaryotes. This is a completely new door being opened in biology, because the multicellular animals evolved after Earth turned from an anoxic environment to a place where oxygen was plentiful. It seems that even some of the more advanced organisms don’t have a problem reverting to more ancient systems if they find themselves in a place where they need it.

Would you believe that some of your cells might not have mitochondria? Well, about 26 trillion of your cells (if you’re an adult male) are amitochondrial – your red blood cells. That’s right; the erythrocytes that deliver oxygen to your cells in order so they can make ATP in their mitochondria don’t have any mitochondria of their own! In an attempt to carry as much oxygen as possible (bound to a big molecule called hemoglobin) your red blood cells have evicted their mitochondria.

This is probably a good idea, since making energy in the erythrocytes would use up the oxygen they are supposed to deliver to other cells. Instead, they act more like prokaryotes, and carry out glycolysis and lactic acid fermentation in their cytoplasm for the energy they need. To gain more room for hemoglobin, the RBCs have also done away with their nucleus.  They have no way to produce more proteins or repair themselves, so they work as long as they can and then they are replaced.

Old erythrocytes are phagocytosed (eaten) by macrophages in the spleen and liver and are destroyed. New RBCs (about 2 million per second) are produced in your bone marrow. The spleen also acts as a reservoir for blood cells, a ready supply for when you need them, but you can get along without it, you are just more susceptible to infections, since the spleen houses many white blood cells just waiting to recognize a pathogen that needs to be taught a lesson.

Human red blood cells (left) are round and biconcave,
but the camel RBCs are oval. You can see why so many
people believe they have a nucleus, but what you are seeing
is their biconcave side staining darker. The large cell in the
middle is an immune cell.
Anucleate (a = without, and nucleate = pertaining to a nucleus) erythrocytes are the norm for mammals. Many people think that camels are the exception, that they have nucleated RBCs, but this is not so. But they do have ovoid RBCs. When they run low on water, camels can remove water from their blood and use it in their cells. This leaves their blood thicker and harder to push through the small capillaries. Round RBCs would be impossible to squeeze through when the blood is viscous, so the camel has evolved RBCs that are longer in one direction and smaller in the other, to help blood flow in times of dehydration.

On the other hand, almost all non-mammalian vertebrates do have erythrocytes that do have nuclei. The only exceptions are a few salamander species that have some anucleate erythrocytes. For example, 95% of the Batrachoseps attenuatus salamander’s RBCs are anucleate. There is also the pearlside fish which is known to have non-nucleated red blood cells.

However, the crocodile icefish is even a bigger exception; it is the only vertebrate animal that has gotten rid of its RBCs altogether. This species lives in cold, highly oxygenated waters. The oxygen it needs just travels in the blood as a dissolved gas and is carried to every cell. These fish have even lost the DNA for making hemoglobin – now that is efficiency!

Given our apparent complexity, it is amazing
just how few genes humans have; the grape
has almost 30% more. The chicken doesn’t have
many fewer than us, and we don’t have to worry
about laying eggs. What is more amazing is that nine
years after the completion of the human genome
project, we still aren't exactly sure how many
genes we have.
Or is it?We have recently discovered that the majority of proteins have more than one function. Scientists gave this idea more thought when the results of the human genome project started to role in and we discovered far fewer genes than we expected. It is now accepted that humans have about 22,000 genes, not even as many as the grape, which has 31,000. Even the lowly fruit fly has 15,000 genes! How do we get so many functions out of so few gene products? Multitasking!

Take hemoglobin for example, it doesn’t just carry oxygen in the blood. It also acts as an antioxidant in several types of immune cells, and in certain neurons. It is a regulator of iron uptake and metabolism, since it carries iron at its core. It destroys nitric oxide, which is one reason why the little blue pill doesn’t work forever. You have to wonder what else the crocodile icefish has lost by giving up its hemoglobin and how it has made up for these losses. One change probably requires many more to be made as well.

We have seen how some organisms get along without mitochondria. What about the other end of the energy equation? Plants can make their own carbohydrate in the chloroplast – but is that what makes it a plant? Let’s look at this next time.

Roberto Danovaro, Antonio Dell'Anno1, Antonio Pusceddu, Cristina Gambi1, Iben Heiner and Reinhardt Møbjerg, & Kristensen (2010). The first metazoa living in permanently anoxic conditions. BMC Biology DOI: 10.1186/1741-7007-8-30

For more information or classroom activities on hydrogenosome, FeS cluster protein, loricifera, erythrocyte, see:

Hydrogenosome –

FeS cluster protein –

Loricifera –

Erythrocytes –

It’s A Plant World, We’re Just Living In It

Biology concepts – cell walls, chloroplasts, myco-heterotrophs, holoparasites,

Life on Earth is easy. It can be boiled down to three sentences. “The mitochondria and the chloroplasts are, in a fundamental sense, the most important things on Earth. Between them, they produce oxygen and arrange for its use. In effect, they run the place.” Lewis Thomas wrote this in his award winning book, The Lives Of The Cell: Notes Of A Biology Watcher, in 1975.

Nature’s carbon recycling center. The sun’s energy is used to 
polymerize carbon (CO2) into carbohydrates (CHO) and releases 
oxygen (O2). Then the mitochondria use the O2 to break down 
the CHO, resulting in chemical energy (ATP) and carbons (CO2
ready to be polymerized again.
He was so right - for the organisms that use them. I guess he didn't consider the exceptions. These two organelles mesh seamlessly in their functions. One produces carbohydrate and oxygen, while consuming carbon dioxide. The other consumes carbohydrate and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. The ultimate recyclers.

If these two organelles are the most important things for life, then doesn’t that make plants the kings of life on Earth, since they have both chloroplasts and mitochondria? Makes you feel a bit more humble now about your place in world, doesn't it.

However, this brings up an essential question – and the main focus of today’s topic and exceptions. What makes a plant cell a plant cell? Green algae have chloroplasts and mitochondria, but they aren’t plants, they belong to the kingdom Protista. We have discussed the sea slug, E. chlorotica, and its ability to photosynthesize– it is certainly not a plant. So what makes a cell a plant cell?

Leaving the chloroplast out of the equation for a minute, you could argue that a plant cell is one with a cell wall and cell membrane. That surely separates them from animal cells, since animal cells only have the cell membrane. But many bacteria, archaea, fungi, and algae have cell walls. If the argument is refined to define a plant as having a certain kind of cell wall, then we must look a little closer. Many cell walls are made of sugars, but are plant cell walls unique in their constituents?

True bacteria have two large groupings, Gram+ and Gram -,
based on their cell wall structures. The gram stain sticks to
the peptidoglycan layer, so the thick layer on G+ bacteria make
them stain deeply. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) layer of the G-
species keeps them from staining, and is highly toxic.
Endotoxin (LPS) and causes about 70% of septic shock cases.
Bacteria cell walls are made of peptioglycan (peptido = amino acid containing, and glycan = polymer of two sugars). One of the two components is always N-acetylmuramic acid, and the other is often poly-N-acetylglucosamine, but other things can be included as well. The exception is the Mycoplasma, a group of small bacteria that don’t have a cell wall at all. Since many antibiotics function by disabling the bacterial cell wall or preventing its formation, they don’t work against mycoplasma infections like M. genitalium, which a 2011 study linked to pelvic inflammatory disease in women.

Fungal cell walls are also made of a polysaccharide (poly = many, and saccharide = sugar), in a polymer called chitin. Chitin is also the rigid polymer that makes so many insects crunch when you step on them. Chitin cell walls are defining for fungi, as many cellulose containing cell wall fungi have been moved out of the kingdom of Fungi. But this still doesn’t tell us what is unique to plant cell walls.

Plant cell walls contain cellulose, and is complex. Plant cell walls can contain up to three layers, with different sugars involved, including cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, and lignin. Lignin is a more rigid polysaccharide that gives strength. It is what makes bark hard, protective, and water resistant.

If the hydrogens (H) bound to the #1 and #4 carbons
up on the same side, the polymer is starch. If they
are on different sides, the polymer is cellulose.
We can digest starch: we can’t digest cellulose.
Plants make both – the part we can’t digest we call
dietary fiber.
Celluloseis made of a chain of glucoses, yet we can’t digest it. The number one carbon in glucose has an –H that is sticking up or down. If the –H sticks “down”, then it is an alpha glucose. If it sticks “up”, then it is a beta-glucose. Cellulose is linked chains of beta-glucose. Starch is linked chains and branches of alpha-glucose. Just that difference in –H position determines if it is food for us or not. Herbivores have the enzymes (and bacteria) to digest cellulose, but not us.

So is it the inclusion of cellulose that makes a plant cell wall unique? Well, no. Algal cells also use cellulose in their cell walls. You might try to argue that algae are plants, since many of them also have chloroplasts and are primary producers – but you would be wrong. Algae can be unicellular (although they can also be multicellular) while plants are all multicellular. Algae don’t have specialized reproductive cells or parts like plants do; algae reproduce by spore or from broken parts of themselves. Finally, DNA analysis shows that while plants and algae are monophyletic(one ancestor), they diverged from one another long ago.

Then there is the issue that not every plant cell has a cell wall. In angiosperms (angio = chest or vessel, and sperm = seed; plants with enclosed seeds and flowers), the gamete (sex) cells of the male in the pollen and the gamete cells of the female in the ovary do not have cell walls, at least not on all sides. The ovary contains the ovules (latin for small egg), and the pollen contains the sperm cells and the tube cell, that forms the pollen tube and delivers the sperms cells to the ovules.

After the ovules are fertilized by the sperm cells of the pollen, the ovules form the seeds, and the ovary forms the fruit. From here on in, all the daughter cells will have cell walls. For fertilization, it would make sense that the involved cells would not have a cell wall that would just get in the way of love.

The Sago Palm isn’t a palm, but is one of the most
primitive plants that reproduces with seeds. It
presents a problem to pet owners because every part
is toxic to pets, but it tastes good to them. They don’t
know not to eat it; then they bleed to death.
And even weirder, not all plants use just this strategy. Cycads (like the sago palm, which isn’t really a palm at all), and gingko biloba plants have sperm cells with flagella, long projections that whip and move them along, hopefully toward an egg cell. They don’t use a tube cell or pollen tube; these plant cells without cell walls swim. Plant cells that move, now there is an exception worth noting! Some more primitive bryophyte plants (liverworts, mosses) also have motile sperm, but the cycads and gingko are the only examples of seed plants with motile cells.

So cell walls aren’t a defining characteristic of plant cells either. Maybe it is the chloroplast that defines a plant cell --- maybe not.

As you can guess, there are exceptions going both ways. There are organisms that have chloroplasts that aren’t plants, namely the algae. But a more interesting exception are many of the protozoan Euglenids. Euglena gracilis is a prototypical euglenid that can produce carbohydrate by photosynthesis. However, most euglenids can also eat things, which makes them both autotrophic and heterotrophic.

As for the other direction, there are many plants that don’t have chloroplasts. Of the roughly 350,000 different species of plants on earth, almost 3000 of them are non-photosynthetic. Therefore, the most common characteristic that people use to tell a plant from a non-plant (photosynthesis by chlorolplasts) isn’t true for almost 1% of the species on Earth. That is a pretty big exception. That would be like saying 1% of people on earth don’t have a brain! O.K., maybe that's a bad example.

Indian Pipe is Monotropa Uniflora. Monotropa means
one turn, and uniflora means one flower. The plant is
called the ghost plant – obvious, or the corpse plant –
because it turns black as it matures. This naming thing
is easy!
Indian pipe (Montropa uniflora, or ghost plant) is one such plant. Related to the blueberry of all things, the ghost plant has gone its own way and become parasitic. It garners its nutrients and energy from the tissue of another plant. The roots of the Indian pipe penetrate the rhizoids (root-like projections) of certain types of fungi and sponge off their hard work. In fact, the fungi themselves are symbiotic, having invaded the roots of certain pine tree species.

The fungus and tree live together in a mutualistic relationship, making the fungus a mycorrhizal(myco = fungus and rrhizal = root) variety. The tree supplies the fungus with carbohydrate, and fungus supplies the tree with mineral nutrients. However, Indian pipe does not respect this mutualism and is a parasite of the fungus, taking some of the carbohydrate supplied by the tree. This makes the Indian pipe a myco-heterotrophic parasite.

Other plants without chloroplasts are holoparasitic (gain nutrients only by parasitism).  These would include the rafflesia species of the Indonesian rainforests. These plants are know for having the largest single flowers in the world, some the size of car tires! The plant doesn’t have a stem or root or leaf, it is a vine that grows inside another type of vine. Only when it is ready to flower does it bud out from the bark of the host. The flower takes nine moths to develop, and then smells like rotting flesh in order to attract fly pollinators.

Rafflesia is also known as the corpse flower, as opposed
to the corpse plant (Indian pipe). This is because it
smells like a corpse in order to attract the flies that
pollinate it. This young man is either holding his breath,
has no sense of smell, or is just really odd.
In addition to holoparasitic plants, plant cells without chloroplasts would include those same gamete cells we discussed above as not having cell walls. And neither to do most root cells. However, there are exceptions, like many of the orchids. The ghost orchid has photosynthetic roots, which is a good idea, since they grow directly on other plants; their roots are not buried in the dirt.

Maybe it is not a single characteristic that makes a plant cell a plant cell, or a plant a plant. Maybe it is the combination of cells with cell walls, central vacuoles and in most cases, chloroplasts that make it a plant. I guess it is like beauty; you can’t define it, but you know it when you see it.

Next week we will take another shot at finding a defining characteristic of plant cells, namely the plastid, the mother of all chloroplasts – might there be an exception?

Mizukami I, & Gall J (1966). Centriole replication. II. Sperm formation in the fern, Marsilea, and the cycad, Zamia. The Journal of cell biology, 29 (1), 97-111 PMID: 5950730

Nikolov LA, Tomlinson PB, Manickam S, Endress PK, Kramer EM, & Davis CC (2014). Holoparasitic Rafflesiaceae possess the most reduced endophytes and yet give rise to the world's largest flowers. Annals of botany, 114 (2), 233-42 PMID: 24942001

For more information and classroom activities on cell walls or parasitic plants, see:

Cell walls –

Parasitic plants -

The Life Of The Party

Biology concepts – plant adaptations, osmosis, parthenogenesis

Last week we discussed the biological implications of an old Christmas carol. Today’s post is a hodgepodge of holiday biology, but we can still find some exceptions.

From a distance, spruce, fir, and pine Christmas
trees look similar. The differences are mostly in
the needles, both shape and number.
Christmas trees– There are many different types of trees used for Christmas, but they are all evergreens. This is the reason they were used in the first place. The tradition sprung from old pagan ceremonies that reminded us that spring would come and there would be a rebirth of greenery.

Evergreens have a thick wax coating on their needles (these are actually their leaves). This adaptation, as well as the low surface area of each leaf, helps to reduce water loss during the arid winter.

The resin of evergreens is higher in sugar than in other trees species. This keeps the liquids in the tree from freezing solid during the cold months. The higher sugar content oozes from the bark and at the collars of the branches, and is very sticky (picture Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation).

Evergreen is a characteristic not a botanical grouping. They tend to photosynthesize all winter long, given enough water and sunlight. In deciduous trees there are hormonal (phytohormonal) signals that induce cleavage of the leaves from the stems (abscission) when there is not enough sunlight to justify making chlorophyll. In evergreens, there is some of this signal present, and pines do lose leaves in the winter, just not all of them. When cut and kept indoors, the abscission signal is increased, and together with the reduced water – all the needles end up on your carpet.

The leaves of cedar Christmas trees
look different from other evergreens.
If you choose a red cedar, just remember
that there is actually no evidence that
they keep moths away.
The groups of trees used for Christmas are members of the conifers – cedar, fir, and pine, and spruce. In general, pines have two or three needles coming from the same place on the twig, while fir and spruce usually have just one. To tell fir from a spruce, try to roll a needle in your fingers; if flat and won’t roll, it is probably a fir, but if it is four sided and can be rolled, it is a spruce. Cedars look different from the other three, they have scale-like leaves and ball cones, and their bark is more splintered.

Christmas cactus– This is a small genus of plants, comprised of two groups, the truncata and the buckleyi. In the wild, they grow on other plants (epiphytic) or on rocks (epilithic). They don’t have leaves, common in cacti, their flattened green stems serve as their photosynthetic elements. They occur in naturally in eastern Brazil, along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Those for sale in the U.S. are cultivars, bred for hardiness and different colors, different plants will bloom in red, yellow orange, or pink.

Thanksgiving cactus stem is shown on the
top, while the bottom stem is from a
Christmas cactus.
In Brazil, the cacti are called May Flowers, reflecting the month in which they bloom in the Southern Hemisphere. In the northern latitudes, they flower from November through January, depending on the cultivar. This presented a classic opportunity for commercialization.

You might want to look at your Christmas cactus a little more closely; you might actually have a truncata when you think you have a buckleyi. The Christmas cactus has stem segments that are rounded, with more symmetric points. The flowers hang down low and their pollen is pink. These flowers generally bloom later and these buckleyi cultivars therefore termed the Christmas cactus.

The yellow pollen on the left is characteristic of a Thanksgiving
cactus. The pink pollen of the flower on the right is typical of
the Christmas cactus.
In contrast, truncata cacti have much sharper stem segments. If it hurts to prune your cactus, you may have one of these. The flowers stay closer to horizontal, or even rise up on the plant. The pollen grains are yellow, so there are several ways to tell these plants apart. Perhaps the best way is by the blooming time. The truncata will bloom closer to the end of November. For this reason, they are often called Thanksgiving cacti. Still think you have a Christmas cactus?

Fruitcake– I am an unapologetic fruitcake fanatic. To everyone who isn’t - stop making fun and just send them to me.

Fruitcake! It may be my favorite
holiday treat.
The biology of fruitcake is based on bacteria, or more correctly, the lack of bacteria. The candied fruits used in fruitcake are not just dried, they are preserved. For many centuries, fruits were precious commodities, especially in the winter. The vitamin C and other nutrients were needed for good health, but spoilage kept most people from having them during the colder weather.

Meats were preserved with salt, called curing, since the days of the ancients. Fruits, on the other hand, don’t taste so good when salt cured. It turned out sugar that could preserve fruits just as salt cured meats. Either liquid syrup or crystalline sugar would do the job, but sugar was very costly. Honey could do the job, but not as well, and it wasn’t much more available. Therefore, preserved fruits were a luxury for some period of time.

With the advent of sugar beet production in the Americas in the late 1500’s and the resulting availability of sugar in Europe, there was a candied fruit glut in Europe. It became more common to use them in baking. Italian pannatone, and fruitcakes were common uses.

So how do salt and sugar preserve foods? It all has to do with water. Bacteria need water to survive; if you remove the water, you stop (or at least slow) bacterial growth. An osmotic gradient is set up when cells are placed in high salt (hypertonic) or high sugar environment. If the salt or sugar content is higher outside the cell, it means that the water concentration is higher inside the cell.

In osmosis, water flows from where there
is little solute toward where there is
much solute. In hypertonic solution,
this means water leaves the cell.
Water will flow from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration, just as the salts and sugars will. This is diffusion, but in the case of water it is called osmosis (Plants That Don't Sleep Well). The solvent (water) and solutes (those things dissolved in the solvent) try to balance their concentrations, so water flows out of the cell and salts or sugars flow in. The result is pandemonium, chemical reactions are not possible under these conditions, and the organism either dies or goes into stasis.

Dehydration by salt and sugar work in several ways. One, removing water through osmotic pressure will turn the bacteria, fungi, and parasites already on the food to dried up corpses by pulling out their water. Second, the lack of water in the preserved food stops bacteria and other microbes that might land on them from propagating; no water, no cell division.

Third, the high salt or sugar concentrations, even with some water present, limits the species of organisms that could grow there. Only a few microbes, called halophiles (hal = salt, and phile = lover) can grow in high salt environments. Similarly, honey is only about 30% water, so not many bacteria can grow in this low water/high sugar environment (but some important bacteria can, so don't give raw honey to infants). Finally, the loss of water in the foodstuffs reduces the oxidation reactions that might take place to age the food. Fats are especially susceptible to oxidation, they go rancid in not too long. The curing of meats slows this process, but is less a problem in fruits due to the low fat content.

Those fruitcakes deserve a little more credit, don’t they? And by the way, fruitcakes are not the doorstops everyone thinks they are, they actually float in water.

Virgin birth– I will only touch on this subject, as the blog will soon be delving into a series of stories on mating and reproduction. There are many species of animal that can give birth to viable young without mating. This is called parthenogenesis (partheno = virgin, and genesis = birth).

In 2005, a komodo dragon in a zoo laid some
eggs. No big deal, except she hadn’t been housed
with a male for 2 years! Apparently, they can
reproduce sexually, or by parthenogenesis if
no males around. This has changed how
komodos are housed in zoos.
Parthenogenesis occurs when the unfertilized egg receives the messages necessary to begin to divide and form an embryo. The offspring have only their mother’s DNA with which to work, so they are all clones and all female. The egg does have two copies of the chromosomes, but this can occur in two ways. If the egg is haploid but undergoes chromosome doubling, the resultant offspring is a half-clone of the mother. But if the egg is produced only by mitosis, with no meiotic event to result in a haploid gamete, then the offspring is a full clone.

Many species use parthenogenesis exclusively, or in response to environmental or population conditions. Whiptail lizards, as well as aphids and some plants, are famous for undergoing parthenogenesis. No cases of mammalian parthenogenesis have been documented in the wild, but stem cells have been developed by parthenogenesis in the laboratory. Anyway, if the Christmas story was going to rely on parthenogenesis, then Jesus should have been a baby girl.

Mistletoe is an evergreen that grows
on other plants. It can draw water
from the host even in winter. It also
draws animals to the tree in winter.
Mistletoe– These are evergreen, hemi-parasitic plants that grow in many parts of the world. They have photosynthetic leaves, so they produce their own carbohydrates and energy, but they rely exclusively on their host tree for water and minerals. The mistletoe roots bore into the host bark and vascular tissue to obtain the water and minerals it needs.

The mistletoe can serve to hurt the host plant, especially if it grows too well, but they can also help the host. Junipers that harbor mistletoes produce more berries than those without. This is due to the large number of birds that come to eat the mistletoe berries; the juniper takes advantage. This makes it hard to determine of the symbiosis of mistletoe/host is parasitism or perhaps mutualism.

As the berry passes through the bird,
it releases sticky cellulose fibers that
help the seed stick to an unfortunately
placed branch.
The name, mistletoe, is not something commonly brought up at a holiday party. From the Old English word, “mistiltan,” the name tells it all. Birds eat the fruit and seeds of the plant and some of them pass through the GI tract unaltered. When excreted (mistil means dung), the sticky seeds may germinate on a limb (tan means branch). Interesting, but try not to mention it over a bowl of holiday punch.

The white berries of the mistletoe played a role in the 18th century Christmas kissing tradition. In Scandinavia, the maid under the mistletoe could be kissed, but the gentleman had to pull off a berry each time. While the berries were gone, the kissing privilege was lost. 

Next time we will finish our stories on sleep and activity by talking about introduced species. Then we will start a series of posts on the incredible worlds of water and salts in biology. Our fruitcake discussion above may serve as a great introduction, but it is just the tip of the iceberg.

The concepts discussed here will be discussed in more detail in other posts. Resources will be provided on those occasions.

When Is A Chloroplast Not A Chloroplast?

Biology concepts – gravitropism, plastid, chloroplast, chromoplast, amyloplast, leucoplast, malaria parasite

Believe it or not, the way plant roots know to grow into the dirt is related to photosynthesis! “How can this be?” you ask. Well, let’s talk about it.

The cells in the tips of the plant rootlet respond positively to gravity, called gravitropism(the older word for it is geotropism). If you lay a growing plant on its side, the roots will respond by growing (turning) toward the gravity within 10 minutes. The mechanism for this stimulation involves tension and a plant hormone called auxin.

Auxin is a growth hormone that gets redirected
in the growing plant root. The statoliths settle
and trigger the hormone to some cells more than
others. Auxin means ”to grow” in Greek, but in
some cases, like in gravitropism of roots, it
actually inhibits growth.
The rootcap (the cells at the tip of the root) have some specialized cells called statocyte (stat = position, and cyte = cell). Inside the statocytes are dense granules called statoliths (lith = stone). The statoliths are made of densely packed starch and are a specialized type of organelle called an amyloplast, which is used in many plant cells for storing carbohydrate in the form of starch (amylo = starch). The statoliths are denser than the cytoplasm of the cell; they don’t just float around, they settle out according to gravity.

Since the statoliths are connected to the membrane of the cell by the cytoskeletal actin molecules, so when they settle toward gravity, some cells in the membrane are stretched and some are compressed. This tension signals the cells to change the number of receptors for the growth control hormone auxin. More tension (more stretch) causes the auxin to move away, toward cells that are under less tension. Auxin prevents cell enlargement and cell division, so those root tip cells on the bottom receive more inhibition. Those on top enlarge more and divide more, so the root turns down. If the root is already vertical, the tension is equal in all directions, and the growth is equal in all directions – the root gets thicker and longer.

Gravitropism is related to photosynthesis in that both mechanisms involve chloroplasts, sort of. Root cells don’t perform photosynthesis, they are underground, so they don’t have chloroplasts. But they do have the amyloplastid statoliths, and these are related to chloroplasts.

Both amyloplasts and chloroplasts are specialized versions of the plant organelle called the plastid. We asked last week about what defines a plant cell – maybe the plastid is it. All plant cells have some plastids, but in different plant cells they may take different forms, including chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts, amyloplasts, elaioplasts, or proteinoplasts, but they all start out as proplastids (pro = early and plastos = form in Greek).

Proplastids are in every new plant cell. From there
they can differentiate into other forms, including
the chloroplast. Other plastids are used for storage
or biochemical production. We will talk about statoliths
again when we discuss proprioception.
When acell divides, each daughter gets its share of proplastids, and then depending on the chemical signals that the daughter cell receives, the proplastid will differentiate (from latin, means to make separate) into the types of plastids that the cell needs. A proplastid can become any type of plastid, and from time to time can change between forms as the plant cell requires. Think of it as a sort of stem cell inside a plant cell – if the cell happens to be in the stem of the plant, it could be a stem cell inside a stem cell!

Proplastids become etioplasts, chloroplasts or leucoplasts. The etioplast is a sort of pre-chloroplast; a chloroplast without chlorophyll. It is waiting to be stimulated by light energy before it decides to spend all the energy it requires to make the chlorophyll. The old science fair project about growing bean plants in the dark demonstrates the etioplasts. The plants are white when grown in the dark, but bring them into the light and they soon green up. The sunlight stimulates the etioplasts to make chlorophyll, become full-fledged chloroplasts and start photosynthesizing.

This is a photomicrograph of the plastids of a
red flower petal. The chromoplasts hold the
xanthocyanin pigments, but we see it as a
continuous color because they are so small.

If the proplastid does not differentiate toward a chloroplast pathway (etioplast too) then it will become a leucoplast (leuko = white). The leucoplasts don’t have color; they become specialized for the storage of plant materials. If they store starch, they are called amyloplasts. Lipid storing leucoplasts are called elaioplasts, while protein storing plastids are called proteinoplasts. Each type serves a crucial purpose in the cells they inhabit, and they can all interchange, depending on the conditions the plant cell findsitself in.

Even more important, leucoplasts that are not serving as storage organelles have biosynthetic functions. They work in the production of fatty acids and amino acids. Amino acids link together to from proteins, so their synthesis is very important for plants. Plants must manufacture every amino acid it needs, whereas we get many of ours in our diet. There are even some amino acids that humans can’t make, called the essential amino acids. Of the twenty common amino acids, nine of them must be taken in through our diet, and some people with pathologies can’t make up to seven more. Plants don’t have this luxury; all their amino acids must be made on site. Good thing they have leucoplasts.

There is one other type of plastid that we haven’t talked about, the one that is important for the Autumn tourist trade. Etioplasts and chloroplasts can differentiate into chromoplasts, organelles that store pigments (colored molecules) other than chlorophyll. Chlorophyll provides energy through photosynthesis, but they also have a cost. The old saying, “It takes money to make money” applies to plants as well. It takes energy to make chlorophyll, so it only pays to make chlorophyll when there is ample sunlight to put through photosynthesis. When the days get shorter, the profit margin for producing chlorophyll goes down, so the plant just stops making it.

Twin females were imaged after a lifetime of smoking or non-smoking.   
Can you guess who was exposed to the oxygen radicals in cigarette
smoke her whole adult life?
The oxygen produced in plant cells during photosynthesis can damage many molecules; oxygen likes to react with other compounds and steal or donate electrons. This oxidative damage can wreak havoc with the cells, just look at the face of a long time smoker – the damage and aging process from the oxidants in cigarette smoke will be evident. The chromoplast pigments, like carotenoids (oranges and yellows) and xanthocyanins (reds and purples), can serve as antioxidants, and protect the other cell structures from the damaging effects of oxygen.

So the chloroplasts lose their chlorophyll in autumn and could be called leucoplasts, but the chromoplasts still have the pigments that had been masked by the greater number of chlorophyll molecules. The trees turn magnificent colors and bring people from the cities to stay in bed and breakfasts, and to purchase handmade scarves and way too much maple syrup and apple butter. Economy and biology are so often interrelated.

Plastids are the quintescential plant organelles – no plant cell is without them in some form (well O.K., there is one exception, we’ll talk about that next week). But that still doesn’t mean that they define a plant cell. Remember that algae are not plants, but they have chloroplasts, and chloroplasts are one type of plastid. There is even a bigger exception in this area; some of the apicomplexans.

Certain protozoal organisms, including the malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) contain an organelle called an apicoplast. P. facliparum or its ancestor obtained an algae cell by secondary endosymbiosis (the primary endosymbiotic event was the algae taking in a cyanobacterium), so the apicoplast has a four, not two, membrane system.

The apicoplast of the malaria parasite is of plastid
origin, but it undergoes some unplant-like changes
during cell division. Image D with the branched
apicoplast is my favorite. Those in panel F will
grow to look the one in panel A.
The apicoplast does not perform photosynthesis; we aren’t exactly sure what it does – but it is crucial for the survival of the parasite. It is located in the front of the parasite (in the direction it moves and invades cells) and is always close to the nucleus and the mitochondrion. This suggests some role(s) in energy production and molecule synthesis.

There is evidence that the apicoplast works in fatty acid and heme synthesis, like the leucoplast or in the production of ubiquinones that are important for the electron transfer chain in the mitochondria. There is also evidence that it is involved in FeS cluster production, like the hydrogenosomeand mitosome. Both of these pieces of evidence show the interelationships of the endosymbiosed organelles and the connection between energy production and energy use. Whatever their functions are, if you destroy or inhibit it the malaria bug dies. As such, it has been a popular target for anti-malarial drugs.

Malaria parasites cured of their apicoplasts (cured means freed of) do not die right away. They just can’t invade any new cells and therefore can’t complete their life cycle. This is why anti-apicoplast drugs may be a boon to malaria treatment. The biosynthetic pathways in the apicoplast are the targets of four recent drugs, but the primary way to stop malaria remains the mosquito net. There is strong hope that a new vaccine, called RTS,S is a light at the end of the tunnel for this killer of millions.
The melanosome and the plastid have more in common.
The very rudimentary eye of some dinoflagellates
(dinos = rotating, and flagellum = whip) has a melanin-like
molecule in the pigment cup and the structure is called a
melanosome. However, it is of plastid orgin. The picture
above is of Polykrikos herdmanae. It has 8 transverse flagella,
as well as the pigmented eyespot to detect light sources.

One final thought on the plastid – an addition to the exception of melanosomes. We discussed a few weeks ago that melanosomes were the only organelles that could move from cell to cell. Well, that isn’t exactly so. I held off on adding the plastid to that list until we had discussed what a plastid was.

A 2012 study at Rutgers University tested whether plastids and mitochondria could move between plant cells. There results showed that entire plastid genomes could be seen in recipient cells, and the fact that the whole chromosome passed indicated that the plastid was probably moving from cell to cell intact. But there was no movement of the mitochondria, so it is a plastid (and melanosome) specific event.  The researchers hypothesize that this may be a way for plant cells to repopulate damaged cells with working organelles. As such, it would be similar to how mammalian stem cells can move mitochondria into damaged cells during tissue repair. But that is another story.

We have repeatedly talked about how the mitochondrion and plastid can replicate on their own and then are portioned out to the daughter cells when a parent divides. Can it really be that simple? I’ll bet there is a definite mechanism, and I bet that mechanism has exceptions. Let’s look into this next time.

Gregory Thyssena,Zora Svaba, and Pal Maligaa (2012). Cell-to-cell movement of plastids in plants Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 109 (7) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1114297109

For more information or classroom activties on plastids, gravitropism, or Plasmodium falciparum see:

Plastids –

Gravitropism –

Plasmodium falciparum

Every Day Should Be Mother’s Day

Biology concepts – inheritance patterns, mitochondria, fertilization, lineage, mitochondrial Eve

What do the “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, Mother’s Day, and all your mitochondria all have in common?

Julia Ward Howe wrote the words for The
Battle Hymn of the Republic after meeting
Abraham Lincoln. She wrote it as a poem,
but also as new lyrics for the existing song
called, John Brown’s Body. I wonder if she
had copyright issues to deal with.
The firsttwo are easy; Julia Ward Howe wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic as a Union anthem during the Civil War, but just 12 years later proposed a national day of mourning and protest for mother’s of sons who killed sons of other mother’s. She had come to regret her support of the Civil War and wanted July 4thto be converted into a protest day by mother’s to ban future wars.

This didn’t go over that well, but the daughter of one of her followers, Julia M. Jarvis, re-purposed the proclamation to celebrate her own mother’s dedication to church and community. This caught on, and in 1912 Jarvis’ home state of West Virginia officially recognized Mother’s Day. Two years later, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the second Sunday in May should be a national observance of a Mother’s Day.

But what has it got to do with your mitochondria? Well, you owe your mom a debt of gratitude for every one of your mitochondria. All of yours came from hers – Dad played no role in your cellular ATP factories.

Here's how it works. Your somatic cells (all your cells except the eggs or sperm) have two copies of each chromosome, but we know that your chromosomes aren’t the only DNA in your cells. Your mitochondria have their own chromosome; it’s circular like the prokaryotic ancestor it came from during endosymbiosis. How do you inherit that DNA?

In this electron micrograph of the sperm you
can see the dark nucleus which houses the
chromosomal DNA. Above the acrosome, or
head, you can see the mitochondria packed
into around the tail proteins. Their ATP is
used to whip the tail for locomotion.
Theegg has loads of mitochondria, about a million in each oocyte (egg cell). On the other hand, each sperm has only about 100. This makes sense, the body must produce billions of sperm, but only a few eggs, so it has to ration the mitochondria to all those sperm cells.

The important issue is where the mitochondria are located. The oocyte mitochondria are inside the egg, waiting for a single sperm to enter and begin the process of making a new human (for example). All the mitochondria of the sperm are located in the first part of the tail, called the midpiece or mitochondrial sheath. This also makes sense, as it is the tail’s movement that propels the sperm toward the egg, All of this tail wagging requires a great amount of ATP.

The sperm meets the egg and fuses with the oocyte membrane, but not all of it enters the egg cell. Only the head, or acrosome makes entrance; it has the haploid chromosomal DNA that is your father’s contribution to your genetic makeup. The sperm midpiece, will all its mitochondria remain on the outside of the egg and does not contribute to you being you.

That is how it came to be that you got all your mitochondria from your mother! We all did. The process is called maternal inheritance of mtDNA, and it is has implications for tracking the history of human life.

A journal cover for the issue dedicated to DNA
repair enzymes. Who says scientists don’t have
a sense of humor? Actually, this may just have been
how one guy showed up to the lab that day; his
mind was on science, not fashion.

Mitochondrial DNA doesn’t change much over time, but it does change. Every time your DNA replicates, mistakes are made. “To err is mammalian,” and your DNA polymerase(polymer = long chain, and ase = enzyme that makes) is mammalian. Consider that the DNA polymerase is adding nucleotides to a growing chain at a rate of about 1000/second – some mistakes are bound to occur.

Most of these mistakes are caught and fixed by a series of proofreading and mismatch repair functions, but some mistakes get through. These random mutations often have no effect on the function of the gene product, but if they aren’t fixed, they become permanent and are passed on the next time the DNA is replicated.

Over time, the changes add up. The 50thgeneration mtDNA necessarily looks different from the 1st generation DNA. Mutations that hurt the function could very well prevent reproductive success (the ability to mate and produce viable offspring), so the changes that we see over time usually are the ones that have little effect on function.

This random mutation wouldn’t matter much if you got half your mitochondria from Pop and half from Mom, there would be random passing on of mitochondrial DNA and probably some recombination, so  the 50th generation wouldn’t look much at all like the first. But you get all of your mitochondria from Ma, and she got hers from her ma, and she got hers from her ma, ….. so that there is a straight line back in your family history.
The rate of mutation and the pattern of mutation
in the mtDNA can not only help us date mtEve, but
can help track the migration of humans out of Africa
and around the world. The numbers with a k =
thousands of years ago.
Thematernal inheritance of mtDNA allows scientists to trace family lineage through molecular biology (to balance the sexes, you can trace paternal lineage through the Y sex chromosome as well). In fact, with a large enough sample size, you could literally see that all humans are related! Trace the changes in mtDNA backwards far enough and they will all converge on a single female; the mother of all mothers - “Mitochondrial Eve.” This isn’t the same as a Biblical Eve – just the last female to whom we are all related. We don’t know who mtEve was, where mtEve was, or when mtEve was because we don’t have enough samples from enough generations.

The most current estimate is that mtEve lived about 200,000 years ago, although the timing is just that, an estimate. The sampling and math are dependent on knowing the rate of mutation of the hypervariable regions (part of the mtDNA that mutates faster than the other parts) and knowing that this rate has been constant and predictable. Does that sound like the biology you know? The assumption doesn’t invalidate the idea of mtEve, it just makes sending her birthday card difficult.

Even if we don’t know who Eve was, we can talk about her “daughters.” These are the unnamed females to whom we can trace back large numbers of living and deceased humans. Geneticist Bryan Sykes wrote a book called The Seven Daughters of Eve in 2001, but we now consider that we have really defined about 10-12 daughters. With twelve daughters, there must have terrible fights over bathroom time!

Bryan Sykes named his seven daughters of Eve
based on the first letter of the haplotype designation
each already had. Example, haplotype U became
Ursala – he must have seen Bond girl Ursula Andress
in Dr. No recently.

Whywould maternal inheritance of mtDNA be a good idea? Current theories hypothesize that this a mechanism by which only genetically strong sperm will reach the egg, and only genetically strong mitochondria will be inherited. With only a few mitochondria in the sperm, they must perform well in order for the sperm to reach the egg. If genetic mistakes have been made during meiotic production of sperm, then chromosomal errors might be accompanied by mitochondrial errors. A fast swimmer indicates a genome without harmful mutations. So the strongest genes get to the egg.

On the other hand, the effort to reach the egg means lots of ATP production, which also means lots of oxygen produced by oxidative phosphorylation. Oxygen can be damaging; the mitochondria probably aren’t in good shape at the end of the race. The sperm may be like salmon. The strongest make it up stream, but they end up so broken down that one trip is all they get; the damage would prevent the next round of their sperm from being prime material.

Why would evolution choose to pass on damaged paternal mitochondria when you have perfectly fine maternal mitochondria laying around in the hundreds of thousands. The chances are greater that the mother’s mitochondria are normal at this point, so the paternal versions are denied entry. Makes sense.

But some organisms just have to rock the boat. Blue mussels (family Mytilidae) and some freshwater mussels have two different types of mtDNA, called F and M – how original. The female passes on the F type to her sons and daughters, while the males pass on the M type to just their sons. Called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), females are homoplasmic (one type and males are heteroplasmic (two types).

Males are usually F type dominant in their somatic cells, but M type dominant in their spermatozoa. The females must be F type dominant in all cells, since they only have one type. The interesting part is that both male and female embryos get M type mtDNA, but in those destined to be females, the M type are degraded within 24 hours.

A 2009 study shows that the sex determination and inheritance of the male mtDNA are not coupled, and the female has complete control over whether the male type will be inherited and maintained. But there are occurrences of females with some M type, and males with only F type. Therefore, maternal inheritance is more stringent than DUI ------  Or is it?

This is a Schistosoma mansoni egg. It looks
like a cartoon bubble; I keep expecting it to
say something. S. mansoni is an exception
for trematodes, it has two sexes (is dioecious),
whereas most others are hermaphroditic.
The function of the spine on the egg is not known,
but it may help the egg stick to the wall of the blood
vessel in the host.
In somecases, like honeybees, mice, and a parasitic worm called Schistosoma mansoni, there can be “leakage” of paternal mtDNA into the fertilized egg. Even in some mammalian species other than humans, including sheep and mice, the tail of the sperm can penetrate the oocyte. This gives a zygote with many copies of female mtDNA and a few copies of paternal mtDNA. For some reason – I assume there is a reason, although I don’t know it -- this occurs more in crossbreeding (interspecific breeding– between species), than when two animals of the same species are bred.

In the breeding of animals of the same species, if there is paternal mtDNA present, it is degraded in the fertilized egg. Near the time of birth, they might have only a trace of paternal mtDNA left, but the mechanism by which this occurs is not known. During this time, there is the small chance that male mtDNA could recombine with female mtDNA and gum up the workings of strict maternal inheritance. In any case, there has been only one documented case of a paternal mitochondrion in a child, and this case was clouded by issues of infertility. Does this child feel disconnected from his great, great, great, great grandmother?

So much for animals - how about plant inheritance of chloroplasts and mitochondria? Do they follow the same rules – let’s find out next time.

Ellen L. Kenchington, Lorraine Hamilton, Andrew Cogswell1, Eleftherios Zouros (2009). Paternal mtDNA and Maleness Are Co-Inherited but Not Causally Linked in Mytilid Mussels PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006976

For more information or classroom activities on maternal inheritance, mitochondrial Eve, or fertilization, see –

Maternal inheritance –

Mitochondrial Eve –

Fertilization -

The Seeds of Inheritance

Biology Concepts – pollen, plastid inheritance, gymnosperms, angiosperms

I am coming to believe that plants are more complex than animals, even more complex than females. Female plants must be the most difficult things on Earth to understand!

Complete flowers have both anthers for pollen and pistils for egg 
fertilization. Incomplete flowers occur on dioecious plants, 
and have either the pistil (gynoecious) or the anther 
(androecious). Dioecious plants cannot self pollinate, unless 
they have both types of incomplete flowers, like coast
redwoods (see last picture).
Yes, thereare female plants. In the plant world, species can be monoecious (mono = one, and ecious = household) or dioecious (di = two). Monoecious plants have individuals that produce both male microgametophytes (pollen) and female megagametophytes (oocyctes or ovules). The individual dioecious plants are either androecious (pollen producing) or gynoecious (seed producing). It's okay to ask if a plant is female, but you still shouldn’t ask her age.

This isn’t even the tip of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to diversity in plant reproduction. There are also different ways to produce seeds. The gymnosperms have unenclosed seeds (gymno = naked, and sperm = seed). Gymnosperms include the conifers (cone producers), the cycads that we talked a little about a few weeks ago, and the gnetum plants. Gnetum plants live close to the equator around the globe and include the Ephedraspecies. It is from these plants that we get ephedrine and pseudoephedrine that work to relieve allergy and cold congestion.

The other type of seed plants is the angiosperms(angio = hidden). These are the flowering plants that have seeds encased in fruits or other structures that help to protect them and to encourage their dispersal.

One way that the gymnosperms and angiosperms differ is in how they inherit their plastid organelles. But even here there is a lot of overlap and exceptions; plants just keep getting more complex.

Gymnosperms have there seeds exposed on the scales
of the cones, while angiosperms have the protected
inside the fruit (except for strawberries).
Angiosperms have a maternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), much like animals have maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The reasons for maternal inheritance of cpDNA elude me. For mitochondria, the theory is that damage to the sperm mitochondria would occur during the swim to the oocyte, so it would be smart to ban them from the egg.

But cpDNA is much more passive, they do not have to do a huge amount of work to get to the ovule of the pollinated plant. The pollen tube grows down to the ovule and delivers the sperm cells right to the egg. There must be some other reason, but I don’t know what it might be.

However, there seem to be more exceptions in angiosperm inheritance of cpDNA than there is in animal mtDNA. A few families of plants, like alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and kiwi fruit vine (Actinidia deliciosa), have a strict paternal inheritance of cpDNA.  This is odd since, the angiosperms have a couple of mechanisms for keeping the plastids out of the male gametes.

Every plant species has a distinct pollen shape, which
is why you can be allergic to some plants and not
others. But each pollen grain has the vegetative cell
that becomes the sperms cells and the tube cell. The
tube usually grows from the side that rests on the
fertilized stigma.
The pollengrain contains a few different kinds of cells. There are one or more generative cells; these are the reproductive cells of the pollen. There will also be many non-vegetative cells as well. The generative cell has two nuclei. One will divide to become the two sperm cells, while the other will form the tube cell to deliver the  sperms cells to the ovule.

In many species, when the generative nucleus divides to form sperm, the plastids are partitioned off, and are not included in the sperm cells. This works to ensure maternal inheritance. In other species, the sperm cells may include plastids, but these quickly degenerate and are not delivered to the ovule. Somehow, the alfalfa plants have overcome these mechanisms and even invented a new one to eliminate or exclude the plastids from the ovule, giving strict paternal inheritance.

Going beyond the alfalfa and kiwi fruit ability to preserve their paternal plastids is the fact that a full 20% of angiosperms can show (but don’t have to show), bipaternal inheritance of cpDNA. This is called potential bipaternal plastid inheritance (PBPI) and is controlled by a male gametic trait, called of all things - PBPI trait! Therefore, the fairly strict maternal inheritance of mtDNA in animals (blue mussels excepted) is not matched by cpDNA in angiosperms.

But it gets weirder. The angiosperm exception is normal for the gymnosperm. Gymnosperms tend to have paternal inheritance patterns for cpDNA. This difference is important to note, since scientists often try to use cpDNA inheritance patterns to track seed movements around the world and through evolutionary time, just like human populations are often tracked using mitochondrial ancestry and inheritance.

But this must be frustrating, because there are also exceptions in the paternal inheritance pattern in gymosperms. The Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), which isn’t a fir, is native to Asia but was brought to America in the 1800’s. Remember that before molecular biology, most taxonomic classifications were made on just the morphology (shape and look) of an organism, and its grouping and name were based on how it compared to other organisms. Names often get stuck in the language and are hard to change, so many of the misnomers persist.

Godzilla, or Gojira, always seemed surprised when
the other monster grabbed his tail. Here it happens
to be a giant wolfman. Everybody cashed in on the
werewolf brand; I am surprised Abbott and Costello
aren’t in that picture somewhere.
Consider this, we now know that the Japanese pronunciation for the big green movie monster is “go-zeer-a” or “go-jeer-a,” as it was a portmanteau of the Japanese words for gorilla and whale. But when it came to America, it was just assumed that the name was mispronounced in English and that it was supposed to be “god-zill-a.” We know it is wrong, but the wrong name still survives; it's what you get used to that sticks around.

But back to the Chinese fir. This gymnosperm is a conifer that can grown 150 feet tall, but flaunts its individuality by having a maternal inheritance pattern for cpDNA – much more angiosperm-like behavior than gymnosperm. And this is even odder because the Chinese fir is an older gymnosperm, a much more distant relative to the angiosperms than many gymnosperms that have a strict paternal cpDNA inheritance.

Gymnosperms that show maternal cpDNA inheritance are rare, or just less studied, so one might assume that paternal cpDNA inheritance is fairly strict – wrong. Many gymnosperms have bipaternal inheritance patterns of plastids, so the mechanism might be different from angiosperms, but is no more consistent than that of the flowering plants.

Finally, there is the issue of crossbreeding. In this animal mtDNA and plant cpDNA seem to be similar. Whatever the dominant form of inheritance is seen in natural breedings, the numbers get screwed up when cross breeding occurs. We saw that paternal inheritance of mtDNA in mice was much likely in the mating of different species (interspecific breeding).

The passionflower vine can grow to be 10 meters high
and is the source of the passion fruit that I enjoy so
much. The fruit protects the fertilized seedsthat
probably have paternal cpDNA, since most of the
varieties we eat are hybrids of different species.
In plants, this also holds, and may even be more discrepant. Take the passion flowers  (family Passiflora) for instance. Intraspecific breeding (same species) showed the maternal cpDNA inheritance one might expect. But in interspecific crosses the inheritance was 100% paternal. This must represent some attempt to limit the genetic diversity of the organellar genomes, but I leave it to you to explain the reason for it.

The similarity between mitochondrial and plastid inheritance in hybrids brings up another issue – what about mitochondrial inheritance patterns in plants?

It turns out that most plants that have been studied for mtDNA inheritance have a maternal inheritance pattern, just like animals. Amazingly, this includes the gymnosperms, most of which have paternal inheritance of cpDNA. But even some plants with maternal cpDNA patterns can pass on paternal mitochondria. An example of this is the banana - tomorrow morning you can feel like a rebel for garnishing your cornflakes with such an outlaw fruit.

However, the reason would be different. Remember that sperm have their mitochondria in their tails, and in most animals, this is not included in what enters the egg or is degraded just after entering. But few plants have flagellar sperm (like the cycads we talked about before). The sperm mtDNA is not exposed to anymore oxygen radical damage than the ovule mtDNA, yet there is most often uniparental, maternal inheritance.

Coastal redwoods can reach up to 110 meters
(360 ft) tall, but their roots may only go 6 ft.
underground. What's holding this tree in place?
It has two different types of leaves, and has male
and female branches and flowers, but all its
mitochondria and chloroplasts come from one
place, its father.
The interesting cases are those like the gymnosperms; paternal cpDNA, but maternal mtDNA. Once again, the plants are much more complex and intricate in their behaviors than animals, as two separate mechanisms for organellar retention and degradation must be at work in these plants. But even here there can be exceptions. The coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) has normal gymnosperm (paternal) inheritance of cpDNA, but it also has paternal inheritance of mtDNA! And the Chinese fir, which breaks the rules and is a gymnosperm with maternal inheritance of cpDNA, also makes itself exceptional in that it has paternal inheritance of mtDNA! Very confusing.

So mitochondria and chloroplasts both work in energy production, both evolved through endosymbiosis, both have single, circular chromosomes (with exceptions), and both have uniparental inheritance patterns (with exceptions). Next week, let’s look a behavior that is different in these two organelles.

Zhang Q, & Sodmergen (2010). Why does biparental plastid inheritance revive in angiosperms? Journal of plant research, 123 (2), 201-6 PMID: 20052516

Bendich AJ (2013). DNA abandonment and the mechanisms of uniparental inheritance of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Chromosome research : an international journal on the molecular, supramolecular and evolutionary aspects of chromosome biology, 21 (3), 287-96 PMID: 23681660

For more information or classroom activities on monoecious/dioecious plants, angiosperms, gymnosperms, or plastid inheritance, see:

Monoecious/dioecious –

Angiosperms –

Gymnosperms –

Plastid inheritance -

Biological Fusion Energy

Biology Concepts – mitochondrial dynamics

Stars are the largest fusion reactors around, and organisms do use 
some of the energy our Sun produces by joining two hydrogen atoms
into a helium atom - remember photosynthesis? Fission reactors are 
closer to home, but are much less efficient -- and can melt down
and kill us all.  Cellular fission and fusion are about joining and 
splitting things as well, just without the release of energy.
In the typical picture of a working cell, you would see millions of vacuoles traveling around, joining together and splitting off from organelles. The general proposition is that a bag of stuff fuses(joins) or fissions (separates) from another bag of stuff.

In physics, fission and fusion can be sources of great energy, but in cells they usually require an input of energy. If the processes were the same, we could run the world’s electronics on biology power – a true cell phone!

Fusing and fissioning are easy for vacuoles, they have one membrane. But the mitochondria and chloroplasts we have been looking at for the past few posts have very specific, double membrane structures. The outer membrane and inner membranes form a intermembrane space that is crucial for their function, and the inner membranes have specific forms and structures that are necessary to make carbohydrate or ATP.

Wouldn’t fusing or splitting these organelles destroy the membrane structures needed to maintain their functions? Indeed, the typical cartoon of the cell shows individual mitochondria or chloroplasts floating around in the cell, doing their jobs, but not interacting with the other organelles or with each other.
The structure pictured in green is, believe, it or not, the
mitochondrion of a fibroblast (fibro = fiber and blast =
sprout) cell, one that makes connective tissue. This doesn’t
look much like the mitochondrion in the biology books,
does it? The different strands join together and separate
For mitochondria at least, this picture is misleading. In many cells, the mitochondria do not look like independent structures floating within the cell. They look more like strands of spaghetti on your plate. Mitochondria can also move around, they fuse together and break apart, they are recruited to different subcellular areas based on energy need, and they can exchange organellar content.

All these features (shape, communication, movement, fusion, fission, and exchange) are dynamic, meaning that they change with time and are regulated. First recognized as a regulated process about 10 years ago, this has spawned a new line of research called mitochondrial dynamics.

Changes in morphology are also involved in progression through the cell cycle. A 2009 study showed that in cultured cells, the mitochondria must fuse together into branched networks in order for the cell to enter the phase when it replicates its DNA. Now it appears that this changing mitochondrial morphology is important for other shifts in cell fate. The same group that conducted the 2009 study above showed in May 2012 that mitochondrial fusion and fission are important for oogenesis differentiation (the changes an egg goes through to become different types of cells) in fruit fly egg chambers, implying their importance in differentiation of other cells too.

It appears that fusion and fission help to maintain the correct number of mitochondria, but also work in the preservation of mitochondrial function. Defective proteins can be kicked out if there are normal proteins to replace them. Fusion of mitochondria can provide these normal proteins. In other instances, low oxygen or low carbohydrate concentrations can bring fission and fusion so that the mitochondria can share nutrients and prevent their own degradation.

Most importantly, defective mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be minimized by combining or being replaced it with normal DNA from functioning mitochondria. In most cases, recombination of DNA serves to increase genetic diversity, but with mtDNA it seems the opposite effect is desired. Recombining and exchanging DNA serves to maintain a single uniform genome for all the mitochondria; fusion can preserve the integrity of the mitochondrial genome. Mutations or defects in either exchange, fission, or fusion systems result in poor mitochondrial function and identifiable diseases.

People with Charcot-Marie Tooth have very high
arches, and are most often double jointed. Would
you enjoy having your knees bend the other
direction? I can tell you from personal experience,
that double jointed people are very hard to wrestle
against. They can slip out of whatever hold you try
on them.
If the fusion of mitochondria is defective, a disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2a may result.  This is a neuronal degenerative disease that usually affects the lower extremities more than the arms. Most cases are caused by defects in the cells that surround the neural axon (the long projection between the cell body and the connection point to other neurons), but in type 2a, the defect is in the axon, specifically the inability of mitochondria to fuse. Therefore, fusion must be important.

In Huntington’s disease, there is too much mitochondrial fission. Huntington’s chorea (chorea = dance, patients with this disease develop large uncontrollable movements that make it look like they are dancing). The cause is an expansion in the huntingtin gene (yes, I spelled it right); a three DNA base repeat (CAG) is mutated and becomes repeated too many times. This affects the function of the huntingtin protein. The age of onset and speed of progression are related to how expanded the triplet repeat is. As of today, this autosomal dominant genetic disease (only need to inherit one mutant gene for it to occur) is untreatable and fatal.

However, the mechanism by which this mutation causes neuron degeneration is just becoming clear.  A 2010 study indicated that the mutant huntingtin protein interacts with the proteins that control mitochondrial fission and makes them overactive. Too much fission disrupts mitochondrial functions and the neurons become defective and then die.

Even more important, in terms of numbers of people affected, is the link between reduced mitochondrial fission and Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists know that it was the build up of amyloid protein that promotes neuron degeneration, but until recently, they didn’t know how it was occurring. It turns out that the plaque proteins can stimulate nitric oxide production, which then damages the fission proteins of the mitochondria.

DRP1 proteins are important for the fission of a
mitochondrion into two mitochondria. They oligomerize
(join together in groups) and pinch the mitochondria
apart. Nitric oxide can damage the DRP1 proteins – so
no mitochondrial fission.

This is huge news because preventing this nitric oxide damage might be a way to slow or stop Alzheimer’s progression. This is a difficult area of research, since nitric oxide is important in many biochemical pathways; just shutting down nitric oxide production everywhere in the body would lead to defective hair growth, blood vessel pressure control, abnormal blood clotting and atherosclerosis, ……oh, and Viagra wouldn’t work either.

The movement of mitochondria within cells is also crucial for their function. The longest cells in your body are your motor neurons. A single cell can be several feet long. Your mitochondria must get to where they are needed along the axon of the neuron, and this requires regulated transport and communication.

Defective transport is one outcome during Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2a defective mitochondrial fusion and in overstimulation of mitochondrial fission in Huntington’s disease. In addition, defective axonal transport of mitochondria may turn out to be an important early defect in Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, defective transport of mitochondria may play a role in Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and other neurodegenerative diseases that involve defective mitochondrial fusion and fission.

Why might this be….. I’m not sure, but here is a guess. Defective fusion or fission leads to defective function – defective function leads to reduced ATP formation – reduced ATP results in defective energy-requiring functions of the cell, like transport of mitochondria from one place to another. I have no evidence for this, but it is a logical, testable hypothesis. It could be that defective transport is an effect, not a cause, of these diseases -at least in part.

Two of our more famous Parkinson’s patients;
Muhammed Ali and Michael J. Fox. Float like Marty
McFly and sting like a bee?

For Parkinson’s disease, a 2009 study showed that defective mitochondrial transport occurred due to dysfunction in the fusion/fission system, independent of changes in the ATP level. However, ATP production is not the only function of mitochondria. They also work in regulating the amount of calcium in the cell, and altered calcium levels can lead to disruption of the cytoskeletal transport mechanisms. Maybe I need to tweek my hypothesis; it is fusion/fission-mediated defects in several mitochondrial functions that then cause axonal transport changes that are noted in many neurodegenerative disorders. Now design an experiment to test it - this is how scientists go about their work.

So we see that the mitochondria are not static, they are changing all the time and that these changes are crucial for their function and integrity. Here is our exception in the similarities of chloroplasts and mitochondria. It would seem, at least based on current evidence, chloroplasts are relative loners.

This is not to say that can’t be dynamic. We have seen that chloroplasts have a definitive inheritance pattern, either maternal or paternal, and they will fight to maintain this pattern. Chloroplast fusion has been most often described in the zygote(initial cell formed by fusion of the gametes during fertilization, from Greek zygota = joined or yoked together) of algae. In these cases, which are still rare, the chloroplast genome of one of the two fused organelles will be degraded. Fusion of other chloroplasts, as in mature plant cells, either does not occur or has not been studied, because I can’t find any publications describing it.

These are examples of the dynamic activities of chloroplasts.
Stromuleconnections can be formed between chloroplasts for
the passage of organelle contents. They are usually 0.5 microns
in diameter (1/500,000 of a meter) and can be found in all types
of plastids. Their function – not completely known yet.

On theother hand, chloroplasts aren’t complete loners either. As far back as the 1960’s there were reports saying that chloroplasts might have certain connections at certain times. More recent studies indicate that small connections can be formed between chloroplasts, often called tubular connections or stromules. It is interesting that stromules can be formed between chloroplasts and mitochondria. It is believed that this is one way the plant cell keeps these two organelles close to one another, since their functions, products, and by-products are so interrelated.

You might ask why the mitochondria and chloroplasts that have so much in common differ in their relative dynamic properties. They were both once free organisms that had to have lots of interactions with other members of their species, but only the mitochondria seemed to have preserved it.  Next week, we will look into how this mitochondrial dynamism is even more crucial organism survival – by regulating cell death. Believe it or not, cells have to know how to die well.

Kasturi Mitra, Richa Rikhy, Mary Lilly, and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (2012). DRP1-dependent mitochondrial fission initiates follicle cell differentiation during Drosophila oogenesis J Cell Biol DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201110058

For more information or classroom activities on mitochondrial dynamics or cellular differentiation, see:

Mitochondrial dynamics –

Cellular Self-Sacrifice

Biology Concepts – apoptosis, synthaesthesia, mitochondria

We often ascribe human traits to objects that do not have thoughts or feelings of their own. This is called anthropomorphism, and it is hard to go through a day without committing this faux pas.

Anthropomorphism is difficult thing to avoid. We are thinking
beings, and we look at other organisms as if we were them –
so we assign our thoughts to them. A typical example would be
the belief that bacteria and viruses MEAN to do us harm, they
have an evil intent when the infect us. It’s just not so……. except
for athlete’s foot fungus. If you have had it before, you know that
it means to make your life miserable.
It is especially difficult to avoid in biology, even scientists will say that an organism “decides” to do this or an enzyme interacts with a substrate “in order to” accomplish that – the enzyme doesn’t have an agenda, it is just chemistry and physics. Assigning feelings or motives to biological entities is often a way to help explain a concept. As long as everyone agrees that it is just a technique, I think it’s fine. The problem arises when not everyone understands that its just a verbal crutch and they start to internalize it.

I can think of one case in particular where individual cells of a multicellular organism seem to be acting with a purpose, even a sense of altruism. It is called apoptosis or programmed cell death. In apoptosis (from Greek meaning, “falling off”) a cell will die “in order to” contribute to the overall health of the organism. It happens all the time. Autumn is full of apoptosis, as this is the mechanism of leaves falling, and is where the original word came from.

You just had about 1 million of your cells die as a result of apoptosis! … There! It just happened again! About a million cells/sec “commit suicide” (there’s some more anthropomorphism) so that you can live. If they didn’t die, you would.

It starts early, when you were in your embryonic stage. Your hands and feet started as single masses, with the bones growing in the appropriate places, at 48 days the skin covering is them all was one unit, more of a mitten than a glove.

In utero, your hands develop with individual fingers, but covered
by tissue all over, then apoptosis divides them into individual
fingers. The same thing happens with your toes…. Unless it doesn’t
work as it should. If it doesn’t, you end up with syndactyly, or fused
Then some of the skin cells between the digits began to die, and your fingers and toes started to become apparent. Sometimes the process doesn’t work completely, and people will have webs between their fingers or toes, or two digits will be fused together completely (syndactyly, syn = same and dactyl = digit). In the normal case, these skin cells are programmed to die. Why have the cell in the first place if it just going to die?

In terms of fetal formation, the cells do serve a purpose when they are formed, but that purpose is only temporary. However, this is not unlike many of your adult cells. The cells dying inside you right now probably had a “job to do,” but now they are worn out and replacements have been made for them. In essence, most of our cells are temporary.

Apoptosis is a group of complex mechanisms that allow cells to die well. We all know about cells that do not die well. If you hit your thumb with a hammer, you kill a few thousand cells. They tear open and dump their cellular contents into the tissue around them. This signals a reaction called inflammation and perhaps a sort of immune response. Inflammation and immune responses are good at cleaning up the damage, but they can cause damage in the process. With a million cells dying every second by apoptosis, you would never survive if every death brought an inflammatory response.

Necrosis is the cell death with inflammation and tissue
destruction. This is what happens in frostbite. Can you
imagine if you had this sort of reaction when undergoing
apoptosis to make your individual fingers in utero?
Dying well means cell death without inflammation. In apoptosis, the mechanisms work to shrink the cell away from its neighbors but keeps the cell membrane intact for most of the time it is dying. This prevents the inflammatory response from being jump started.

Signals from outside the cell can stimulate apoptosis, including hormones, damaging chemicals, or a loss of innervation. Sometimes it can be as little as a cell migrating from where it should be; the lack of the proper neighboring cells triggers the out of place cell to die. These are examples of extrinsicapoptosis.

But the signal could be intrinsicas well. Signals that come from inside the cell could be DNA damage, too many oxygen radicals causing damage to proteins, or even that the cell senses it has been infected by a virus. Viruses turn the cell into a virus factory, then the cell bursts to release the new viral particles and they go on to infect more cells. By initiating programmed cell death, no new viruses are made, so no additional cells will be infected and killed. As Spock would say, "They good of the many outweighs the good of the few, or the one."

The exceptional part about this process is that  the mitochondrion is a crucial instigator in apoptosis. This organelle that is so crucial for life and so important for giving the cell its energy to carry out its functions, is one of the main checkpoints and instruments of programmed cell death.

If the signal for apoptosis comes from within the cell, it results in a change in the membrane of the mitochondrion, with leakage of a protein called cytochrome c out into the cytoplasm. Cytochrome c is usually held within the mitochondrion, so that the apoptosis process is held in check. Once released, this protein complexes with other proteins to form an apoptosome, and this starts a cascade toward death.

If the signal comes from outside the cell, many different receptors and pathways can be involved, but some of these will also affect the mitochondria. There are competing sets of factors in the cytoplasm, some always pushing toward cell death while others apoptosis from proceeding. The delicate balance of the factors that want to disrupt the mitochondrion and those that want to protect it allows the cell to live in harmony with itself until there is a reason to die.

This cartoon is a little detailed, but the take home message
is that many insults can lead to mitochondrial damage
(top arrows) and the damage can lead to several signals
for cell suicide – apotposis (bottom arrows).
The extrinsic signals can cause the balance to shift toward mitochondrial leak of cytochrome c. This leads to apoptosome formation, and this activates caspases and other executioner protein enzymes that will start to destroy the cell from within. Some enzymes cut up the DNA into small pieces so that it is no longer functional. Others force the chromatin and nucleus to condense and shrink (become pyknotic) and stop making ribosomes. Some digest important proteins in the cytoplasm. The sum total of their actions is a non-functional cell, but one that is still intact. Over time, the shrunken and dying cell is recognized by macrophages or other cells that quietly break it up and digest it, all without causing any inflammation.

Apoptosis isn’t just for your looks, as in giving you individual fingers and toes. It plays a role in every system of your body, in other animals, and even in plants. Plant cells undergo a programmed cell death, but it is a little different than animal apoptosis because they also have a cell wall to deal with and they don’t have an immune system to ingest all the dying cells. And the metamorphosis of caterpillars turning into butterflies and tadpoles becoming frogs… that couldn’t happen without a lot of apoptosis.

Your embryonic and juvenile nervous system has millions of neurons it does not need. The connections between some neurons may not be in accordance with how humans process signals, and some dying back of processes and cells is expected (called neural pruning).

Misplaced connections that do not die from apoptosis can lead to some interesting results. Synaesthesiais a group of conditions where sensory input is interpreted in more than one area. For example, if connections between taste and other parts of the brain are not pruned by apoptosis, some people will taste colors, or names will have a certain taste. Many synaesthetes (people with synaesthesia) will see number in their brains as having certain shape or texture. It is believed that most children have near photographic memories and cross innervations among the senses, but that the connections for these abilities die back in order to prevent sensory or memory overload.

It is unfortunate that there aren’t very descriptive pictures
that could show what it is like to have synthaesthesia – sure
you can show a colored word or set  of letters, but you don’t
get the idea of what it is to see it in your head when your
hear a letter or word. This chart shows a little of how the
senses can be combine, each combination has a name, but I like
how Dr. Hugo Heyrman sums it up – Synesthesia is a love story
between the senses.
But this is not the only use of apoptosis in the brain. You have heard the expression, “use it or lose it?” This applies to your brain as well. Neural connections in the brain that are stimulated by experiences or thoughts get reinforced, and are less likely to undergo programmed cell death. Those connections that are not used when young are not kept; it would be a waste of energy.

Your immune system also relies on apoptosis. You have T lymphocytes that are designed to recognize a certain molecule that shouldn’t be in your body. Each population of T cells recognizes a different potential problem guest – millions of them in all. But some of the T cells that are made recognize a particle that looks a lot like one of your own molecules. You don’t want that.

In your thymus and other places in your body, your T cells go through a testing process. If they recognize a protein or molecule that isn’t you, they are allowed to mature and then go out in to the body and patrol for their particular target. But if they are programmed to recognize something that is “self” then they are signaled to undergo apoptosis.

It is a great system and works most of the time, but there are exceptions. Some “non-self” proteins can mimic “self” proteins, and if you start to develop an immune response to them, there may be some cross-reaction with your own cells. Or perhaps some T cells that recognize a “self” protein don’t undergo apoptosis when they should. These issues can result in autoimmune diseases – your immune system is attacking you.

Cancer is a loss of cell cycle control, including the idea that
cells are meant to die at an appropriate time. The problem
is that there are many ways that a cell can circumvent the
apoptosis signals, so you can’t induce apoptosis in all cancer
cells by using just one medicine. Plus, how do you tell the
cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death, 
but tell the normal cells to stay alive?
So - too little apoptosis can be a bad thing. One other big example of this is cancer. Most cells have a life span, they should die at some point. But in some types of cancer, the mutations can tip the balance in the cell and mitochondria toward the survival end; they keep living and dividing and piling up; this is a tumor.

Death is a part of life, and we should be thankful for it.

Novich, S., Cheng, S., & Eagleman, D. (2011). Is synaesthesia one condition or many? A large-scale analysis reveals subgroups Journal of Neuropsychology, 5 (2), 353-371 DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-6653.2011.02015.x

Hänggi, J., Beeli, G., Oechslin, M., & Jäncke, L. (2008). The multiple synaesthete E.S. — Neuroanatomical basis of interval-taste and tone-colour synaesthesia NeuroImage, 43 (2), 192-203 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.07.018

Eroglu M, & Derry WB (2016). Your neighbours matter - non-autonomous control of apoptosis in development and disease. Cell death and differentiation PMID: 27177021

For more information or classroom activities on apoptosis and synthaesthesia, see:

Apoptosis –

Synaesthesia –

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